Ishaat Islam College

Staff and students of the Isha‘at Islam College, Lahore, in 1927.
(This college was founded by the Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam Lahore and run until 1928.)

Staff are seated on chairs, and are from left to right:

Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi, Maulana Sadr-ud-Din, and Maulana Abdus Sattar.

The student seated on the ground, first left, is Erfan Dahlan (also spelt Irfan), from Java. We are able to identify him from a photo printed in the booklet World-Wide Religious Revolution, published in December 1932 in English and Urdu versions by the Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam Lahore. That photo is as below, which is signed:

Erfan Dahlan

Visit this page to see Erfan Dahlan’s 1961 sketch portrait of Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi and read more about Erfan Dahlan.